Anke has been appointed the first Associate Professor at KEA's Design Department - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology. Anke will take part in forming the new curriculum and future research projects.
Anke has been appointed the first Associate Professor at KEA's Design Department - Copenhagen School of Design and Technology. Anke will take part in forming the new curriculum and future research projects.
We have been invited by Prof. Karl S. Chu to take part in the final review of his exploratory architectural studio at Pratt Institute, New York. An exiting day with interesting projects, perspectives and people. Thank you, Karl, for the invitation!
The Sense III project has been published in the leading Danish architectural journal (ARKITEKTEN #11/2014). The article features a double page interview and description of the intentions, research and full scale prototype. The journal is sent to all registered architects in Denmark and others who share interest in the field. A copy of the journal can be obtained at:
We have had fruitful meetings with researchers at Princeton University in relation to dynamic responsive envelopes. The intent was to discuss prior work and to initiate potential future collaborative research projects in this field.
The Sense II research work and prototypes are currently at display as part of the TEXFAB exhibition at the University of Houston, School of Architecture, US.
The Sense III research project is completed and installed at the Danish Architecture Center
Our latest architectural research project is completed and installed in front of the Danish Architecture Center, Copenhagen. The project prototype is funded by the Realdania Foundation and will be on site for the next months to monitor, by the integrated sensor network, the environmental conditions created by the dynamic responsive envelope.