
By focusing on fast-growing low-density wood species, specifically Paulownia, combined with the development of novel modular, additive structures, Træform offers a new level of sustainable expressive articulation for architects. Through material studies, geometric studies, assembly studies and full-scale construction studies, the project propose an ambitious and important step for architectural sustainability.

Detailed information about the project innovations will be shared as the get publisged in peer-review publications, including results from the many investigations and measurements currently being performed with the material and the internal building environment.

The project research and development has been done as a collaboration between the project partners Pasold Foged Architects, Arkitektfirmaet Ole Egholm, Byg Grønt and iPaulownia. The research and innovation project has been supported by Realdania and Boligfonden Kuben.

Type Building Material and Assembly Research and Development

Year 2022

Collaborators Ole Egholm, Byg Grønt, iPaulownia

Photos, Drawings, Simulations, Graphs Pasold Foged Architects