Acoustic Tiles
A research and innovation project, with the focus on developing novel clay-based sound scattering tiles through studies in architectural acoustics and architectural robotics. By employing advanced computational design methods; geometries, sound energy distribution, fabrication procedures, material processes, composition modularity and specificity have studies led to fourteen tile types, organised in two families, the Cusps and Folds and two Hybrid tiles, based on catastrophe theory from mathematics and sound scattering principles from acoustics.
The developed tiles and structure empower designers, architects and engineers to compose both sound distribution and sound absorption properties across building typologies and programmes, from concert halls, studios, restaurants to learning environments. A specific composition ties therefrom acoustic, visual, material, geometric and structural aspects into one architecture responding to the local environment.
The project is led by PASOLD FOGED ARCHITECTS, responsible for the project, design, acoustics and construction project, with project partner ODICO responsible for manufacturing the developed tiles, project partner JHA conducting design system investigations, structural calculations and construction details and project partner Strøjer Tegl responsible for the material and firing processes.
The innovation project has been supported by Realdania, Aalborg University and Copenhagen School of Design and Technology.
For specific implementation of the acoustic tiles, please contact for adoption and adaption into new projects.
Type Building Elements Research and Development
Year 2014
Collaborators Odico Construction Robotics and Jacob Hilmer Architecture
Photos, Drawings, Simulations, Graphs Pasold Foged Architects